Log Date | Title | Cast | Summary | |
February 11, 2001 | WWF (WereWolf Farmhouse) Smackdown! Bernie, GarouMUSH | In which Yi gives Rotem the -serious- smackdown. And everyone thinks it's about damn time. Go Yi! | ||
February 12, 2001 | Collied (adj.): Blackened, As If With Soot. Bernie, GarouMUSH | In which Bernie and Alicia have Arts & Crafts day and chat, then run into Squall at the caern. Oh, and Bernie quotes Shakespeare. 'cause he's cool. | ||
February 13, 2001 | History and Anthropology Bernie, GarouMUSH | In which Kaz gets a surprising suggestion from Elan and tells Bernie more about the BSDs and other history, and news is related at the Farmhouse. | ||
February 14, 2001 | These Are Not The Droids You're Looking For Bernie, GarouMUSH | In which Yi takes Bernie to Tin Yen hoping to kill two birds with one stone: teaching Bernie Persuasion, and getting Yi's job back. | ||
February 15, 2001 | I (Heart) Milk Bernie, GarouMUSH | In which Bernie and Alicia chat a little. | ||
February 17, 2001 | Jarred's Challenge Bernie, GarouMUSH | In which Jarred and Steven tell stories in Jarred's challenge for Fostern. Bernie arrived late, unfortunately. | ||
February 17, 2001 | The Doors Bernie, GarouMUSH | In which Rotem makes some progress toward getting another chance, and the Church gets its replacement doors. | ||
February 18, 2001 | Dirty Jobs, But Someone's Gotta Do Them Bernie, GarouMUSH | In which Bernie beautifies the park, as usual, and there is discussion of various topics. | ||
February 20, 2001 | Hate To Greet And Run... Bernie, GarouMUSH | In which Bernie says hello to Alicia, Cameron, and Eamon, and that's about it, really. | ||
February 21, 2001 | If You Don't Know Me By Now... Bernie, GarouMUSH | In which Bernie finally meets the legendary Chugs, challenges and dominance are discussed, Kaz rants, and Bernie properly meets Cameron. A good time is had by all. Mostly. |