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Log Date Title Cast Summary
March 06, 2001
Kiss And Make Up
In which Bernie and Alicia make up, and Bernie has a very interesting day...
March 07, 2001
Hell Freezes Over
In which Bernie is actually convinced to give Rotem one last serious chance. And a Guinness. A mysterious unknown caller tells the Gnawers it knows about the bones and can help. And, Nevada takes Bernie out for a lesson...
March 08, 2001
Things You Need To Know
In which Bernie broaches the situation of Alicia and her brother with Dante, and Rotem gets to see the Caern, the Umbra, and Shadow Claws...
March 09, 2001
In which Bernie and Marcus have coffee, pie, and a late night chat.
March 09, 2001
Let's Make A Deal!
In which The Mysterious Mechanical Voice calls back to continue the negotiations...
March 09, 2001
Oh, Were You Gone?
In which Matt finally returns, and gets introduced to Denny's and the Park Umbra as well as being filled in (if briefly) on all he's missed while off in Portland.
March 11, 2001
Subtle As A...
In which Rotem gets scolded, Reggie gets recruited, and Joey gets both a minor interrogation from Elan and a particularly odd bit of Stuff from Bernie.
March 11, 2001
In which Bernie is utterly embarrassed, Alicia is seriously pissed off, and Cameron is a Bad Influence, but it's fun.... for the most part.
March 12, 2001
Breakfast Chat
In which Bernie and Alicia chat a little over breakfast. Well, Bernie's breakfast, anyway.
March 12, 2001
The Brain Is The Organ To Think With
In which Bernie, along with Matt, has a little talk with Rotem.