Originally from the LA area, Bernie arrived in St. Claire as a pre-change runaway. She spent a few nights hiding out in museums and libaries at night, and hanging out and reading mainly in Harbor Park during the day. After her kinfetch alerted the local Gnawers to her imminent firsting, she underwent the most laidback cubnapping of all time (with the possible exception of Anneka's), and subsequently, one of the least traumatic first changes possible. Lucky kid.
Shall we call her Rubenesque? At about 5'6", the girl looks to be carrying around two hundred pounds, giving her a somewhat matronly version of an hourglass figure for a girl in her mid-teens. Cliche as it is, she really does have a pretty face. It's a bit plump and tawny freckles are scattered across her nose and cheeks, but otherwise her complexion is unblemished, and her features are well balanced. Full lips frame almost-straight teeth, often revealed in a cheerful grin, and large, almond-shaped eyes, the irises a warm, gold-flecked shade of brown and the lashes thick and dark, peer out brightly through wire-rimmed glasses. Her mass of unruly black curls falls untamed to the middle of her back, stray strands frequently dangling before her face. She doesn't appear to be wearing even a touch of makeup, and her only visible jewelry is a slim golden chain about her neck, bearing a small star of David.
Her style of dress is equally unlikely to get her on the cover of Cosmopolitan. A cotton tanktop, faded by age from black to merely dark grey, molds itself to her upper body; the fairly high neckline deemphasizes her bustiness, as does the huge grey flannel men's shirt which practically engulfs her. The tanktop is tucked into a threadbare pair of baggy dark blue jeans, cinched tightly around her surprisingly small waist by what appears to be a seatbelt -- the buckle even reads "GM". The frayed hems pool around the ankles of her decrepit black Docs, laced with sparkly silver laces which have also seen better days. Atop all this is a huge and ancient black leather motorcycle jacket, the cuffs of which constantly fall down over her hands. Slung over hershoulder is a bulging canvas backpack, probably military surplus, dotted with patches and pins in various colours and states of repair.
Strength: 2 (2) Charisma: 3 (3) Perception: 3 (3) Willpower: 6 (6)
Dexterity: 3 (3) Manipulation:2 (2) Intelligence:5 (5) Gnosis: 2 (2)
Stamina: 2 (2) Appearance: 2 (2) Wits: 3 (3) Rage: 2 (2)
Backgrounds:Totem:3 Kinfolk:2
Gifts: Persuasion Open Seal Scent of Sweet Honey Blur of the Milky Eye
GM Info: Bernie has a very, very wide range of knowledges from her almost obsessive reading,
and has a bit of trivia, at least, about almost anything and everything. She has about college
level knowledge of math, biology, chemistry, and a rather random grabbag of history, and is
really a very good writer. She expresses herself quite well on paper, though her perfect
spelling, punctuation, and (only when written...) grammar have always been more surprising
to her teachers. Periodically, she commits poetry. She can research like nobody's business.
She has an affinity for computers, knows her way around the internet pretty well; did a touch
of low-grade cracking in the last year or two, minor things like breaking into other computers
on the school network and, for example, changing stories in the school newspaper to be
more... interesting. She's really good at first person shooters. She sings quite well, and has
basic first aid & CPR knowledge (Red Cross card, expired by two years, is still in her wallet).
She's passed Red Cross swimming lessons up to Intermediate, and, though she has very
little formal training in fighting, ended up in enough brawls at school and has had enough
practise since first change to know how to hurt people (and things), and as far as she's
concerned, pretty much anything goes. She has a vague idea what to do with a knife or gun,
but very little actual experience with the former and none with the latter. She's not half bad
at shoplifting, and can be sneaky and quiet enough to get in, out of, and around in a smallish
house with eight other occupants without (usually) getting caught. And, of course, she's a
master level roleplayer, in knowledge and ability. ;)
Log Date | Title | Cast | Summary | |
January 04, 2001 | Hair | In which there is some preliminary messing-with of Bernie's hair, and... gasp... girltalk. | ||
January 07, 2001 | They're Joking, Right? | In which Rina seriously flusters Bernie, Steven threatens to marry Alicia, and Bernie is fine, dammit, now leave me alone! | ||
January 08, 2001 | A Long And Badly Titled Day | In which Bernie meets Adam, Lucca, and Daisy, Tom refuses to come out and play, and a gift is quite well received. | ||
January 09, 2001 | Mostly Girltalk | In which... what can I say? Bernie and Alicia act like the teenage girls they are. And Roger stops by to insult Bernie's cooking. Hmph. | ||
January 10, 2001 | Exploring New Territory... | In which Bernie goes to the Umbra for the first time, meets a spirit, and sees stars... | ||
January 11, 2001 | A Short Chat | In which Bernie and Alicia have a very short chat. It doesn't go quite as well as it could. | ||
January 12, 2001 | Vroom! | In which Bernie gets rides on two motorbikes, and at least three seperate scenes are played -- maybe four. | ||
January 13, 2001 | Being Yourself, And Sometimes Other People | In which Bernie and Alicia talk, again, and sort things out. | ||
January 14, 2001 | Cake | In which Bernie meets Aaliyah and Cindy and a cake is made for Yi's birthday. | ||
January 15, 2001 | Unarmed Combat | In which Bernie doesn't quite have sparring practice. |