Tag: Bernie on GarouMUSH


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Log Date Title Cast Summary
March 21, 2001
Tell Me A Story
In which there is chatting at the Church, the Gnawer cubs each tell the stories of their first Umbral combats, Yi gets a tour of the Decadence, and Matt returns from his Rite!
March 22, 2001
Quiet Evening At Home
In which... oh, it's really just a nice little evening at home. With flirting. Of course.
March 23, 2001
In which there is dinner, talk of packs, and dessert.
March 24, 2001
Writing On The Wall
In which Max draws on the walls, and the Ragabi talk of Rites, packs, and blood.
March 24, 2001
The Price Is Right
In which Rotem relates his day, gets a gift from Bernie, and talks to her about packs.
March 24, 2001
Unfinished Chat
In which Bernie drops by the Farmhouse, and Cam introduces her to another new drink. But a non-alcoholic one, this time.
March 25, 2001
The Rite Stuff
In which Bernie takes her Rite of Passage.
March 27, 2001
Hail The Conquering Hero
In which Bernie comes home from her Rite.
March 27, 2001
In which Bernie relates her Rite of Passage to Elan, is officially confirmed as a Cliath, then goes home and discusses packs and such with Matt while obeying Shadowclaws' recommendation.
March 28, 2001
I Vant To Pluck Your Blood...
In which Bernie asks an unusual favour of Marcus.