Shadi says, "Apparently, a man got arrested for stealing Frances McDormand's oscar"
Shadi says, "If only we could arrest every man who's taken a woman's credit xD"
Rare Earth restores Kai from backup.
Kai says, "I'M BACK BITCHES"
Oliver prefers front bitches.
Kai says, "I... don't know what to say to that. XD"
Oliver says, "Success!"
Rare Earth announces a new HR: when you roll a 1 with no successes, it's called a bitch.
Rare Earth says, "If you do it on an extended roll, that's a major bitch. If it's on a single roll, that's just a basic bitch."
Rare Earth says, "TUT's addition: and if you roll _all_ 1s? What a bitch!"
<OOC> Jasen hurls confetti! Should not have eaten confetti.
[Garou] Zeppelin says, "Now I want cookies."
[Garou] Tabia gives Zep a 'C'. That should be good enough for you.
[Public] Silly Vanny is a rebel, but also weirdly fond of following rules. -_-
[Public] Congenial Claudia says, "Fuck the police! With consent!"
Regarding whether Felix could avoid getting dirty looks at a Fury sept:
Monica says, "Probably not. Whereas some people have resting bitch face, I'd imagine he has resting cocky face. ;)"
[Garou] Brightheart Percy sidles up to Kevin.
[Garou] Brightheart Percy says, "I got a note what says you n' me are family."
[Garou] Kevin says, "BUT I KEPT IT IN MY PANTS!"
[Garou] Brightheart Percy blinks.
[Garou] Kevin says, "Ahem. Oh, you don't mean... right!"
[Garou] Felix says, "Keeping it in your pants only works if you also keep everyone else out of them."
[Garou] Kevin says, "HUSH YOU!"
[Garou] Brightheart Percy says, "You a pants ninja, Felix?"
[Garou] Felix says, "...yes. Yes, I am."
[Garou] Brightheart Percy says, "New Rite Name."
[Garou] Pants Ninja Felix is sneaky. You'll never see him coming.
[Garou] Future Dictator Billy has it on good authority that Felix is in fact a Disco Bandit, having successfully stolen his OWN pants without alerting himself to his presence. The man's an artist in the pants.
[Public] Abe 2.0 Dusk says, "Alright, changing the topic. This one time, in band camp, we had this guy that really like the trumbone, and he like to bring it with him everywhere, and then we went canoneing, and it took it when him there, and the canone tipped over and he lost his trambone and he was so sad that his mom had to come and get him."
[Public] Lenore says, "wtf dusk"
[Public] Gruff Dusk says, "Whut?"
[Public] Gruff Dusk says, "And then this other time, at band camp, we were preparing to hold the end of camp concert, only we were missing a few kids because they got home sick and they had to leave, and so we didn't have a whole horn section, and that one the one time we needed the trambone kid."
[Public] Felix nods solemnly.
[Public] Toasted by HB Ty Sargent gets ready for the brick at the end of the joke
[Public] Gruff Dusk oh goods, someone is listening, "And then this other time in band camp, a bunch of friends and I saw a a shrunk in the woods, so we followed the shunk and it went from tree to tree and dug at the roots but one of my friends, only he wasn't really a friend because it was camp and you have your real friends and your camp friends and he was definately more of a camp friend, well anyways, my camp friend Dave got to close to the skunk and it turned around and hissed at him but he frooze, so it turned around and sprayed him. He had to take three tomato juice baths before anyone eould even come near him, and he got called skunk head after that and it made him cry until his mom came and picked him up.
[Public] Lenore says, "this had better be good"
[Public] Toasted by HB Ty Sargent says, "Wake me when we get to the brick, brb"
[Public] Abe 2.0 Dusk says, "I think that's everything that happened at band camp."
[Public] Lenore says, "oh"
[Public] Lenore says, "is that fucking it? I feel let down and dissapointed?"
[Public] Felix says, "I can't believe he forgot the time Godzilla crushed the ampitheatre."
[Public] Abe 2.0 Dusk says, "I wasn't there. My mom had came and got me."
Jordan says, "Now, Jordan's totem has wings /and/ you can braid its mane."
Jordan says, "And tail. Also braidable."
Jordan says, "Just saying."
Jim says, "just missing some rainbows?"
Sandra says, "Pegasus =/= Unicorn"
Jim says, "well MLP has both right?"
Sandra says, "gross"
Jim says, "heh"
Jordan says, "Could probably get some of those weird-colored Wyld spirits running around maybe?"
Sandra says, "Well, Furies do have something in common with MLP. A lot of men whining and handwringing about how it SHOULDN'T JUST BE FOR GIRLSSS."
Darius says, "Sides. This is the world of darkness, not the kiddie pool of murkiness. Crap happens to people!"
Jordan says, "The kiddie pool of murkiness scares me more."
Jordan says, "Why is it murky?"
Jordan says, "It sounds like crap happens in it too."