Tag: Serendipity on Bright Future


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Log Date Title Cast Summary
July 22, 2003
Serendipity Finds Haven
Ren arrives in Haven, not quite intentionally.
August 19, 2003
Disrepectful Horses & A Gift For Tongues
Making friends and influencing people. In various ways.
August 21, 2003
Vegetable Love
Meeting more people, the plight of the were-pumpkin, and then things get a bit dramatic.
August 23, 2003
Going Sledding
Thieving goats and taking the quick way back to town.
August 24, 2003
Unicorns & Pudding / Pride? What Pride?
Unicorn children come seeking butterscotch pudding, and Ren upsets Safi. Oops.
August 25, 2003
Predicting Fun
Mild arguments over compliments and doom.
August 26, 2003
=Chicks=, Man
Ren finds the library, and some actual sympathy for his travails!
August 29, 2003
Just what it says on the tin.
September 03, 2003
Things done in public tend to get seen by the public. Sometimes Ren counts as the public.
September 04, 2003
Vampirism 101
Ren learns about Vampires, with demonstration.