Tag: Bernie on GarouMUSH


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Log Date Title Cast Summary
April 17, 2001
Breakfast In Bed
In which Matt makes a lovely breakfast and vague plans are made for a couple weeks in the future.
April 17, 2001
No no... Borrow.
In which Matt brings home something new, and plans for the trip are discussed in a little more depth.
April 18, 2001
Pizza Party
In which pizza is made and pack foo is discussed, among literature, BBC shows, and paint.
April 19, 2001
What's In a Name?
In which Bernie and Yi meet Kyle and a forgotten Get cub and have waffles, Bernie tells Yi about her Rite, and Yi gives Bernie a new name.
April 19, 2001
There's A Light Iiiiiin The Darkness...
In which a small Gnawer contingent goes down to continue lighting the sewers, and encounters the Ghost of Housepets Past again.
April 20, 2001
Fire Bad. Tree Pretty.
In which Matt comes home to find a wounded Bernie.
April 21, 2001
Tending The Wounded
In which people visit the invalid, and there is much discussion of things Gnawer.
April 22, 2001
Butterflies Are Evil
In which Yi and Anneka bring over pizza.
April 23, 2001
Milk and Cookies
In which Bernie visits a bit with Cam at the Farmhouse.
April 24, 2001
I Have A Cunning Plan
In which Bernie relates her idea for fixing the most pressing fountain-related problem.