Guest-of-Fog intones sagely, "You must be like the wolf pack, not, the six pack."
Yi says "Money can change black to white. ;)"
Donovan says "Just look at Michael Jackson"
Guest-of-Coyote | "So, what's that perfume you're wearing? It's... intimidating." "Dominance, by Calvin Klein."
Guest-of-Fog laughs.
Guest-of-Fog says "It makes me want to flatten my ears, tuck my tail, and lick your jaw. Ooooh."
Lucca | Then Blaze made his bold statement -- the Pack would form a band and continue 'updating' the Silver Record.
Foxtrot X-Ray |Only now we call it the Triple Platinum Record
Cameron | Bouncer told Roger, who told George, who told Spot, who told Rover, who told Skip, who told Killer, who told You Fucking Mangy Bastard, who told Muppet, who told Tiddles that "The Eagle Flies South By Midnight." But it might have been a pidgeon. Or North. And there was something else, but I missed it, cause it was time for Walkies.
Cameron says "Barking Chain. Efficiency 0.08%"
Wakshaani | Cameron plops in a chair, kicks his feet on the desk, tosses a piece of popcorn into the air, and almost manages to catchit in his mouth. He picks it off the carpet, pops it in, then looks to Jervis. "So, you have a tribe?" | Jervis adjusts his cufflinks, glances back with half-shuttered eyes, and says, "Fang. Silver Fang."
Cameron | The light playing back and forth reveals the sack still just where the Walker left it. As the group climbs back out, it seems to be strangely dark for just a moment before realization sets in--streetlight and all other electrical lights are off in the immediate area.
Cameron | Leonard pages to the room: Woo hoo! we shorted out the whole damn grid! LOOT FOR GAIA!
Tobin says "Kaz returns!"
Leonard says "Yes, but does she rewind?"
Kaz cleans Leo's heads.
Kaz says "Ok, that was fairly the wrong thing to say."
Daisy flushes +mail after compiling a To Do list. "Woo. +mail constipation. Don't go in there for a while."
Helen's Get idea is kind of weird. She's not very militaristic. (Wow. ;)
Tskilegwa | Harmony knocks on the door to the Get hangout. Kyle opens the door and is handed a boquet of fresh wildflowers by a skinny girl with long hair in tie-dyed attire. "Like, groovy to meet you my brother. Got any weed?"
Guest-of-Bear| Kyle stares for a moment, then gets hold of himself and calls out cheerily, "Signe! It's for YOOOOOU!"