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Log Date Title Cast Summary
April 07, 2016
Birthday Special
I guess this isn't
what we had in mind
and I can already tell
by the look in your eye
that something's going on inside
April 11, 2016
Can We Fix It?
Will he though?
Probably not
April 12, 2016
In All Honesty
The whole truth
and nothing but the truth
Stop me if you've
heard this one before
April 12, 2016
Look On Down From The Bridge
I will catch you if you fall
But if you spread your wings
You can fly away with me
April 13, 2016
Three Riddles
You broke the code
The riddles solved
You made the trip
You have evolved
April 14, 2016
Inspiration On Demand
Now is the time
Let everyone see
You never give up
That's how it should be
April 17, 2016
The End of the Wizard
From your fear we get rage
Kill your warriors slay your mage
April 18, 2016
Growing Older But Not Up
Get me Big Mac, fries to go...
Get me Big Mac, get me fries to go...
April 18, 2016
Let Me Tell You A Story
It was good what we did yesterday
And I'd do it once again
April 19, 2016
They're After Us
Your number has been called
Fights and battles have begun
Revenge will surely come
Your hard times are ahead