Tag: Nevada on GarouMUSH


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Log Date Title Cast Summary
March 15, 2001
Tribes, Part One
In which Kaz (and then Nevada) tell the cubs some about the other tribes, Bernie goes all dominant, Rotem gets Work-Release, and Nevada is moist.
April 01, 2001
Cub Scouting
In which the Gnawers acquire a new cub, in a new contender for "Easiest Cubnapping" to compete with Bernie's...
April 03, 2001
Things Not To Call Matt, #1
In which Nevada pisses Matt off, packness is made official, and some Philodox teaching is done by way of brawling, of all things.
May 07, 2001
Suicide Is Painless
In which Rotem's body is discovered, after his apparent suicide.
May 11, 2001
Form and Function
In which Matt and Bernie teach Christy a bit about the five forms.
May 12, 2001
Totem Quest
In which Trouble seeks and finds a Totem.
May 25, 2001
Do You Know The Muffin Man?
In which Muffin fixes the Mystery Machine.